President Hu Jintao

President Hu Jintao

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reason for Signing the Resolution Regarding Sanctions on Syria

China believes that despite Syria’s claims that they would like to fight terrorism, they are one of the main contributors to the problem. Prime Minister Assad says that they will stop funding Hezbollah if the West takes their nuclear weapons out of the Middle East, but they know that this is quite impossible due to the instability of the region. The Middle East first needs to show that they had made major steps in improving stability before the West can ever remove its nuclear weapons from the region. By signing on to this resolution and imposing the sanctions on Syria, China wants to thwart their ability to fund Hezbollah. Syria and other countries in the Middle East need to take proactive action in stopping terrorism in the region before the region can ever become a nuclear-free zone. If Syria does not cooperate, the sanctions will be increased. Once Syria realizes that they are truly willing to join rest of the World in the fight against terrorism and stop funding Hezbollah, then will the sanctions by lifted. Their unreasonable demands towards more powerful countries are not helping the situation. The sponsors and signatories of this resolution hope that Syria will soon show support for our fight against terrorism.

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