President Hu Jintao

President Hu Jintao

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Resolution Regarding Sanctions on Syria

General Assembly

Sponsors: Pakistan, United States, Germany

Signatories: China, France, Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Turkey

Topic: “Resolution to the Hezbollah Attacks at Incirlik”

The General Assembly,

Reminding nations about the attack on the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey caused by Hezbollah, that the Security Council has pledged to address,

Reaffirming comprehensive sanctions on Syria from the rest of the United Nations to force Syria to stop funding terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, and further the world’s fight against terrorism, to continue the effort against terrorism,

Noting the Agreement that Russia made with the United States, who will be supported by other major NATO members on the Security Council, to at least abstain NATO decisions in exchange for a positive statement about Russian membership into NATO,

Stressing how credible and serious a threat terrorism is, and how important it is that there is proactive action taken,

1. Encourages other nations to make sure that they take proactive action concerning the war on terror;
2. Urges other nations to augment sanctions on Syria unless the funding for Hezbollah stops;
3. Requests all nations with nuclear weapons to continue increasing protection of them, as well as devising innovative tactics to clamp down on terrorism;
4. Calls upon all nations to continue to develop non-nuclear technology to fight terrorism;
5. Stresses the need for cooperation with all nations to work on the war on terror;
6. Requests all nations to vote in favor of strengthening sanctions on Syria to hinder their abilities to fund Hezbollah, and assist the rest of the world in fighting terrorism.

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