President Hu Jintao

President Hu Jintao

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Resolution Regarding the Resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

General Assembly

Sponsors: Israel, United States, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russia

Signatories: China, Great Britain, France, Germany

Topic: “Resuming Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations”

The General Assembly,

Reminding all nations that the United Nations was established with the primary purpose of promoting peace,

Reminding all nations that peace in the Middle East will be greatly advanced by a peaceful resolution between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority,

Reaffirming the Resolution 181/1947 of 29 November 1947, which encourages the peaceful partition of Palestine,

Noting with concern that the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been suspended due to the recent attack at Incirlik Air Base,

Recognizing that a peaceful resolution to this conflict is in the interest of all states in the area,

Stressing that the participation and support of many countries would be beneficial for the continuation of the peace process,

1. Encourages member countries to support the continuation of talks between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority;

2. Urges member states to use their influence to encourage other member states to support the peace talks;

3. Requests member states to remind Israel and the Palestinian Authority that a peaceful resolution is a highly desired outcome, not just for the negotiating parties, but also for many countries throughout the world;

4. Calls for a Two-State Solution that grants Palestinians autonomy over their own lands;

5. Stresses that any resolution must promote both the security of the State of Israel as well as the well being of the Palestinian people;

6. Urges the Security Council to support and uphold any negotiation that is reached between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority;

7. Requests member nations to vote for this resolution

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