President Hu Jintao

President Hu Jintao

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Reason for Signing the Resolution Regarding the Resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been one of the main issues in the Middle East for decades. It has sparked so many issues in the region and needs to be resolved as soon as possible. The attack at Incirlik Air Base just last week delayed any further progress in the process. The process needs to resume once again if any progress will be made. These delays are detrimental to the process as whole and play right into the hands of terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas whose ultimate goal is to eliminate Israel. China has signed onto this resolution because once the Israelis and Palestinians come to an agreement, the Middle East will be relieved of so many problems. It will decrease terrorism, it will verify countries’ specific borders, and most importantly, there will be an increase in the stability of the nation of Israel. Stability is the most important factor in improving the Middle East. So once a resolution is made regarding how to divide the land of Israel, a giant step will be taken in fully stabilizing the Middle East. For these reasons, China has signed onto the Israel’s resolution regarding the resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process. We are willing to help in any way in order to continue the peace process for a more stable region.

Resolution Regarding the Resumption of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

General Assembly

Sponsors: Israel, United States, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russia

Signatories: China, Great Britain, France, Germany

Topic: “Resuming Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations”

The General Assembly,

Reminding all nations that the United Nations was established with the primary purpose of promoting peace,

Reminding all nations that peace in the Middle East will be greatly advanced by a peaceful resolution between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority,

Reaffirming the Resolution 181/1947 of 29 November 1947, which encourages the peaceful partition of Palestine,

Noting with concern that the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority have been suspended due to the recent attack at Incirlik Air Base,

Recognizing that a peaceful resolution to this conflict is in the interest of all states in the area,

Stressing that the participation and support of many countries would be beneficial for the continuation of the peace process,

1. Encourages member countries to support the continuation of talks between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority;

2. Urges member states to use their influence to encourage other member states to support the peace talks;

3. Requests member states to remind Israel and the Palestinian Authority that a peaceful resolution is a highly desired outcome, not just for the negotiating parties, but also for many countries throughout the world;

4. Calls for a Two-State Solution that grants Palestinians autonomy over their own lands;

5. Stresses that any resolution must promote both the security of the State of Israel as well as the well being of the Palestinian people;

6. Urges the Security Council to support and uphold any negotiation that is reached between the State of Israel and the Palestinian Authority;

7. Requests member nations to vote for this resolution

Reason for Signing the Resolution Regarding Sanctions on Syria

China believes that despite Syria’s claims that they would like to fight terrorism, they are one of the main contributors to the problem. Prime Minister Assad says that they will stop funding Hezbollah if the West takes their nuclear weapons out of the Middle East, but they know that this is quite impossible due to the instability of the region. The Middle East first needs to show that they had made major steps in improving stability before the West can ever remove its nuclear weapons from the region. By signing on to this resolution and imposing the sanctions on Syria, China wants to thwart their ability to fund Hezbollah. Syria and other countries in the Middle East need to take proactive action in stopping terrorism in the region before the region can ever become a nuclear-free zone. If Syria does not cooperate, the sanctions will be increased. Once Syria realizes that they are truly willing to join rest of the World in the fight against terrorism and stop funding Hezbollah, then will the sanctions by lifted. Their unreasonable demands towards more powerful countries are not helping the situation. The sponsors and signatories of this resolution hope that Syria will soon show support for our fight against terrorism.

Resolution Regarding Sanctions on Syria

General Assembly

Sponsors: Pakistan, United States, Germany

Signatories: China, France, Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Britain, Turkey

Topic: “Resolution to the Hezbollah Attacks at Incirlik”

The General Assembly,

Reminding nations about the attack on the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey caused by Hezbollah, that the Security Council has pledged to address,

Reaffirming comprehensive sanctions on Syria from the rest of the United Nations to force Syria to stop funding terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, and further the world’s fight against terrorism, to continue the effort against terrorism,

Noting the Agreement that Russia made with the United States, who will be supported by other major NATO members on the Security Council, to at least abstain NATO decisions in exchange for a positive statement about Russian membership into NATO,

Stressing how credible and serious a threat terrorism is, and how important it is that there is proactive action taken,

1. Encourages other nations to make sure that they take proactive action concerning the war on terror;
2. Urges other nations to augment sanctions on Syria unless the funding for Hezbollah stops;
3. Requests all nations with nuclear weapons to continue increasing protection of them, as well as devising innovative tactics to clamp down on terrorism;
4. Calls upon all nations to continue to develop non-nuclear technology to fight terrorism;
5. Stresses the need for cooperation with all nations to work on the war on terror;
6. Requests all nations to vote in favor of strengthening sanctions on Syria to hinder their abilities to fund Hezbollah, and assist the rest of the world in fighting terrorism.

China welcomes start of indirect Israeli-Palestinian talks

China welcomes start of indirect Israeli-Palestinian talks Tuesday, May 11, 2010

China on Tuesday welcomed the start of indirect Israeli-Palestinian talks, urging parties to seek good results.

"China welcomes the start of indirect Israeli-Palestinian talks, which is a positive step toward breaking the 18-month stalemate and reviving the peace process," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a regular briefing Tuesday.

Jiang's comment came after Palestine and Israel on Sunday began four-month proximity talks mediated by the United States.

Since Israel waged military offensive known as "Operation Cast Lead" against Hamas in the Gaza Strip in December 2008, Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have been deadlocked.

Jiang called on both parties to seize opportunities, overcome difficulties and show political will to achieve positive results at an early date.

Agreement To Fight Terrorism Between The People's Republic of China and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

To whom it may concern,

Topic: The proposed agreement between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the People’s Republic of China.

In exchange for both military support and a significant discount in China’s anti-terrorism technology and equipment, Saudi Arabia will prioritize China’s customer ranking on oil exportation.

China and Saudi Arabia have drawn this agreement in order to create a new alliance in the fight against terrorism in the Middle East.


King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz
Saudi Arabia: Abullah bin Abdul Aziz

Hu Jinato
China: Hu Jintao

Monday, May 17, 2010

China's Veto Power

Questions have risen recently about Security Council sanctions on Iran. China cannot publicly state whether we support these sanctions right now, but when the time comes to make a decision, the Security Council needs to be aware that Iran is one of China's permanent oil and energy providers. For this reason, China will fully prepared to veto the sanctions if we so choose to do so.